At the end of February, a large 3D-printed Smurf made all heads turn at the NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) fair in Paris. The artwork had been printed live on site from recycled plastic with ‘Colossus Mark II Printers'. How had Europe's largest mobile 3D printer been transported there - in the Grand Palais Éphémère exhibition hall, right opposite the Eiffel Tower? Thanks to the expertise of Lenaers Express, of course.

In mid-February, Lenaers Express transported the 3D printer from Houthalen-Helchteren to Paris. Quite a job, because in addition to being very bulky, the machine was also very delicate, and therefore had to be transported with due care. The most difficult part - getting the printer out of the company and into the container on the truck - caused a bit of stress for a while, especially as they did so under the watchful eye of the owners, but that hurdle was also cleared smoothly. In other words: the specialists at Lenaers Express also ensured, to their credit, a technically sophisticated work of art.